Researching and investing a big portion of your time and money to purchase the perfect chair for you may have been the hard part but without proper maintenance of the chair all that can go to waste. Proper maintenance will not only increase the life span of your chair but will also ensure you get your full money’s worth and continue to enjoy quality massages every day. Below we will go over a few tips and tricks to make sure your chair lasts a very long time.
Tip 1: Motor (Burnout)
- To prevent the motor from burning out too soon we recommend taking 30 minutes – 1 hr intervals(minimum) during each use of the chair. We recommend running your chair at the maximum set time of 30 minutes then taking a break and continuing another massage 30 min- 1 hr later. This will prevent the motor from burning out and also definitely keep your chair running a lot longer.
Tip 2: Synthetic Leather Maintenance
- Proper maintenance of synthetic leather requires regular dusting and wiping down the surface with a clean, damp cloth. If soap is needed please use mild dishwashing soap diluted in distilled water (1:2 ratio) on a slightly dampened clean cloth. Gently wipe down with just a clean damp cloth to ensure all soap product is removed and allow the chair to fully dry before using. Perspiration, body oil, hair gel, and more will damage the finish of the synthetic leather if not cleaned at least once a week if used more frequently
* Never use massage oils, harsh cleaning chemicals, wipes, detergents, etc. this may cause further damage to the leather causing it to fade and break. *
These simple tips will ensure a longer life span and you can continue to enjoy getting high-quality massages in the comfort of your own home.